I have a really mean mom. She was born and raised on the west side of Paris, IL and had to walk 5 miles to school every day. She was raised by a single mother, and didn’t have it easy her whole life. She had to haul buckets of coal into the house each morning in the winter, and owned all of 3 dresses. She had to get mean to survive the west end. As soon as she could, she joined the Army. It was the only place someone as mean as her could go and not get thrown out. She and the Army got along fine.
Later when she had kids, she started her own army. There were regulations to follow, rules to obey, a standard of cleanliness to be kept, and you didn't dare question authority. And for all that, I'm a better person.
My dad was in the Air Force before he met my mom. He's not as mean. He just has lots of stories to tell. I'm thankful that both of my parents served in the military. I know it made a big impact on how my siblings and I conduct ourselves.
Unfortunately, none of the three children they raised ever joined a branch of service, although I did think seriously about it at one point in my life when I had to start over. It would have been a good decision, I'm guessing.
I have a soft spot in my heart for our military personnel. Maybe it's because they have the courage to do what I never could bring myself to try; to stand up and fight for America. Oh, how I wish they didn't have to go, but I am so thankful they are willing.
The Villa Grove City Council is trying to put together a cool way to honor our local service men and women. They are gathering names of current active and reserve service men and women, and will display their names, rank, and branch on signs that will be posted along our major streets. Tuscola has done this for a while now. I think this is an excellent way to show our support of those who are standing in the gap, standing in our place, to secure our freedom.
Unfortunately, few names have actually been turned in thus far. So I'm spreading the word about the project. If you know of any active or reserve service men or women, please contact Mike Akers at 832-9778 with the soldiers full name, rank, and branch so they can be included in this project. Also, if you would like to help in any way, Mike would greatly appreciate it. I'm looking forward to seeing the names displayed proudly along the town's streets.
I don't know if I'm raising any future service men or women, but from the looks of the army guys, jeeps, and plastic toy guns lying around my living room, I'd guess I am. I hope I do a good job, so they can. Please honor our Veterans, as they serve near and far. Meanwhile, I'll try to get a little meaner.